Mr Harry Ta

Mr Sephilon Dinh

Ms Jenny Trinh

Mr Hoang Ta

Building a national brand to propel agricultural products to greater heights.
24 July, 2023
Vietnam has a wide range of agricultural products, and to increase its export value and competitiveness, it is essential to vigorously establish a national brand for these agricultural products.
Situated in a tropical climate zone, Vietnam enjoys an advantage in agriculture and boasts many top world-exported agricultural products. However, due to the lack of a strong brand presence, the returns for farmers, businesses, and the country have not been commensurate. For instance, both Malaysia and Vietnam produce durian, but Malaysia's branded durians command higher prices, whereas the quality of Vietnamese durians is equally good but sold at lower prices. Similarly, Vietnam exports a significant quantity of bananas to China, yet most consumers are more familiar with bananas from the Philippines.
Vietnam has many high-quality agricultural products and fruits that are favored by the world
It can be said that the reputation and position of Vietnamese agricultural products have not been clearly defined and established in the international market, as nearly 80% of the products reach consumers under the names of foreign companies. Given this reality, the current moment can be considered crucial for building a national brand for Vietnamese agricultural products, especially with the opening of many challenging markets like Japan, the United States, and the EU through multilateral and bilateral trade agreements that have been signed and come into effect.
Especially with China, the world's largest consumer market right next door, officially opening its doors to many Vietnamese agricultural products with higher requirements for quality and food safety. Successfully building a national brand will support domestic businesses in developing production, enhancing competitiveness in the international market, helping farmers escape the vicious cycle of low prices, and achieving higher and more stable incomes, leading to an increase in the number of prosperous farmers. Consequently, it will move towards a high-value agricultural economy rather than the current situation of agricultural production and trade.
Vietnamese coffee is a well-known brand in the international market
According to Mr. Boonlap Watcharawanitchakul, Deputy General Director of CP Vietnam Livestock Company: Vietnam has a wide range of products and supplies numerous agricultural and aquatic products to the world, but these are not unique products that other countries cannot produce. Therefore, it is essential to select unique products to focus on promoting globally. Having distinctive products requires maintaining high-quality standards and implementing a national-level marketing strategy.
To build a national brand for agricultural products, as stated by Mr. Van Huu Hue, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vinh Long Province: Various levels and sectors need to pay attention to creating conditions for farmers and businesses to establish specialized production areas with high-quality standards. Implementing policies to encourage the establishment and protection of geographical indications, collective brands, and certifications for specialty agricultural products, and traditional products of localities is crucial.
Seafood is increasingly making significant contributions to the export turnover
Practical experiences from many countries around the world have shown that to succeed in promoting the consumption of local specialties in export markets, it is essential to focus on establishing, protecting, and preserving the brand. Therefore, apart from planning the development of high-quality agricultural regions, building and safeguarding the brand of Vietnamese agricultural products in the market, especially in foreign markets, is crucial.
Regarding the story of building a national brand for agricultural products, Mr. Nguyen Nhu Cuong, Director of the Department of Crop Production, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, stated: "Building a national brand for agricultural products is a long journey. We may have been slow, but we must take the first steps, and I believe we will get there."
In recent times, central agencies, ministries, localities, and businesses have shown interest, approached, and implemented initiatives to promote brand-building for agricultural products. Many programs, projects, and plans aimed at building and developing brands have been implemented from central to local levels, following the global trend to build national and regional, local brands.
It can be said that building a national brand is considered the core of a long-term brand development strategy to promote and position the Vietnamese agricultural brand based on the country's identity and advantages. The national brand is used as a tool to support domestic enterprises in developing production and enhancing competitiveness in the market through large-scale and influential promotion and introduction programs.
Export of black pepper in the first 6 months of 2023
To build a national brand, the Vietnamese Government has approved and implemented various programs such as the Strategy for Building the Vietnam Food Brand, the National Brand Program (Vietnam Value), the Intellectual Property Development Program until 2030, the Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the 2021-2030 period, and the Vision to 2050. The purpose of these programs is to establish and promote the brand names, trademarks, geographical indications, and origin labels of Vietnam's goods in both domestic and international markets. The aim is to enhance the value and competitiveness of Vietnamese products, allowing them to shine on the global stage.