Mr Harry Ta
Mr Sephilon Dinh
Ms Jenny Trinh
Mr Hoang Ta
MAY 22, 2023
Cashew nuts have a low glycemic index, which helps prevent gallstones, control weight and maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels, avoiding complications of diabetes.
The glycemic index of cashews
The glycemic index (GI) of cashews is 25, which means they won't spike your blood sugar and cause diabetes symptoms. You can enjoy it as part of a healthy diet when trying to lose weight or prevent high blood sugar.
Generally, foods with a GI of less than 55 are safe for diabetics. They cannot raise your insulin, cholesterol or blood pressure levels. For example, white bread has a GI score of 80-100, which means it will raise blood sugar.
You can eat a handful of cashews every day to stay healthy. They will not cause high blood pressure or the side effects of raising blood sugar.
What are the advantages of cashews for diabetes?
Prevent gallstones
High cholesterol and diabetes are closely related. High blood fats lead to resistance to the insulin that the pancreas secretes to regulate blood sugar levels. Thereby, making people with high blood fat more prone to diabetes, or making the condition worse for those who already have the disease. Many people are at risk for gallstones if their cholesterol levels are too high.
Because cashews contain monounsaturated fats, eating them will lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, reducing the risk of gallstones. Your liver will turn fatty acids into ketone organic compounds instead of triglycerides (the stone-forming component in bile).
Weight control
One of the ways to prevent and control diabetes is to control your weight. The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with pre-diabetes (high blood sugar but not reaching the threshold for a diagnosis of diabetes) should lose at least 7%-10% of their body weight to prevent the disease from progressing.
Cashews can be an affordable option for weight loss because they contain many important nutrients.
Magnesium in cashews can help you boost your metabolism. A fast metabolism means the body burns extra calories throughout the day and naturally loses weight. This mineral also improves the lipid profile by limiting the production of stubborn fat cells.
In addition, in 100 g of cashews contains about 15.3 g of protein, which can promote satiety. People who feel full after a meal are less likely to snack or binge eat. If you want to lose even more body weight, take 10,000 steps a day or follow a healthy diet that focuses on very clean foods.
However, it should be noted that 100 g of cashews provides 574 calories. Eating too many of these nuts can lead to weight gain if you don't monitor your calorie intake.
Great for heart health
Cashews are really perfect for strengthening heart health. This is because they contain potassium - an important mineral that helps lower high blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood fat levels. Eating these nuts may prevent heart disease in older adults with type 2 diabetes.
The oleic acid in cashews may also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Common fatty acids help regulate blood pressure and keep your blood sugar low. You should eat cashews as part of a healthy diet to avoid future heart complications.