Mr Harry Ta

Mr Sephilon Dinh

Ms Jenny Trinh

Mr Hoang Ta

In Indonesia, the harvest has started and activity has improved in view of new material from current crop has arrived in the market. Local price of black pepper in Lampungand white pepper in Bangka increased marginally. But in dollar terms, the price was relatively unchanged. From North Lampung, it was reported that production of pepperwill be significantly lower compared to last year production. Reduction in the productive area becomes the main factor to the decrease in production; while re-planting taken place in the last two/three years, the plants are yet to yield. In addition to the above, due to weather condition prevailed during this year, the berry settings are not uniform and composition of the fruit is also not fully. This condition also contributed to the decrease in the output. In Kochi, India, pepper price has increased daily from INR 38,000 per quintal at the beginning of the week to INR 38,800 on Thursday. Price increase is also recorded in Sarawak, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. In Brazil, local price was at the level of BRL 13 per kg and 6,400 per mt for fob ASTA.
During 2012 export of white pepper from Indonesia was 13,107 mt, valued at US$ 118.5 million as against 11,100 mt worth USD 97 million in 2011. Out of the total export in 2012 a volume of 7,290 mt worth as sourced from Bangka. During this decade share of white pepper shipped from Bangka port decreased from year to year. During January -June 2013, Bangka is estimated to have exported 3,040 mt of white pepper. This quantity is more or less same with the quantity exported in the corresponding period of the last two years, though the price was ruling high. This confirms that the production of white pepper in Bangka is lower
Indian parity in the international market moved up marginally following the