Mr Harry Ta

Mr Sephilon Dinh

Ms Jenny Trinh

Mr Hoang Ta

Surprising Health Benefit of Drinking Cashew Nuts Milk
With an eat-clean diet gaining a lot of attention these days, people have been consciously avoiding bovine milk for health and ethical reasons. Cashew nuts milk has been rising in popularity along with other types of plant-based "milk" products made of almonds, rice, hemp or walnut. Being a nutritious nut, cashews also yield milk that offers many health benefits. Viet Nam is one of the best delicious and nutirious Cashew Nuts.
1. What is cashew milk?
Cashew nuts milk is made from the soaked, ground cashews diluted with water till it achieves a milk-like consistency. Cashew nuts are fruits of the cashew tree or Anacardium occidentale. The tree originates in Brazil but is also grown in some parts of coasting Vietnam Cashew nuts are a major cash crop in these regions since these nuts have many culinary uses. They have an innate creaminess since they are abundant in fat. That's why "milk" made of cashew often has a satisfying dairy-like quality.
Cashew milk can be used in place of creamer in coffee or tea or also added to cereals.
2. Cashew Nuts milk brings us variety of benefit for our health
Good for heart health
Good for bones and teeth
Improves vision
Recently In VietNam, Vinapro Group launched a new brand named Richer Milk, Richer Milk manufactures the first 100 % VietNam Cashew Nuts Milk.
In this Cashew Nuts milk contains a lot of nutrients such as Omega 6, Omega 9, Canxi, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1 naturally. Hopefully Richer Milk will bring customers the best nutritious Milk From Nature.