Mr Harry Ta
Mr Sephilon Dinh
Ms Jenny Trinh
Mr Hoang Ta
February 8, 2021
Believe it or not, Cinnamon actually comes from the inner bark of a tree. When harvested, it is very light in color and turns dark brown as it dries. It is then ground into a powder. The various species of Cinnamon come from different types of Cinnamon trees, all originating from the Cinnamomum genus.
There are four main species of commercially cultivated cinnamon.
Often called true cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, or soft cinnamon, this variety is native to Sri Lanka and Southern India, but is widely grown in Mexico and East Africa. It is also sometimes called soft cinnamon because of its soft texture. If you hear the term Mexican cinnamon, this is often what it refers to. "It's more herbal and savory, not super sweet," says Frisch.
Sometimes called Korintje cinnamon, this one is generally milder. It is very common in America — it accounts for close to 70 percent of North American cinnamon imports. Frisch describes it as "a friendly cinnamon that works for everything."
This is most often found on supermarket shelves as Saigon cinnamon. It originates from Southeast Asia. It's pretty sweet, not super spicy. "Most of what's imported as Saigon cinnamon is actually Cinnamomum cassia, grown in Vietnam," says Frisch. "Saigon cinnamon is a misnomer because it was actually the trading point – there is no cinnamon grown near Saigon."
Sometimes called Royal cinnamon, this is harder to find on grocery store shelves, but spice purveyors often sell it. It's mostly grown in central Vietnam. "It's super sweet, super spicy," says Frisch, "Cinnamon amped up to 10."
The area that Burlap & Barrel gets it from used to be the cinnamon provider to the royal court — hence the name, Royal cinnamon.