Mr Harry Ta

Mr Sephilon Dinh

Ms Jenny Trinh

Mr Hoang Ta

December 27, 2021
When Is Cashew Season in Vietnam?
Usually, the Cashew harvest season in Binh Phuoc Vietnam starts quite early, around the end of January or February, and ends in May or June depending on weather and planting methods. During Tet, Springtime, Binh Phuoc's farmers are more joyful and excited for the new crops. The years of the harvest of cashew comes early, accompanied by the Tet, the image of a farmer harvesting in his gardens is near and far. Fresh Cashew harvesting "blooms" the most in March, average about 1 ton/ha ( in good seasons, yields can increase significantly, about 50% compared to average). Binh Phuoc is Vietnam's capital province of cashew nuts, as well-known by many people, because the fertile red basalt soil here helps the cashew trees grow very well, and cashew quality is much more delicious than cashew of other lands.
When Is the Best Time to Harvest Cashew Nuts?
Yearly, cashew farmers only harvest once, cashew nuts are collected - dried - stirred until the seeds are taken to split on demand and then continue to process. However, it is not a newly harvested season that us from new crops, but cashew nuts stored in warehouses are completely capable of germinating. So whether just harvested or long-harvested, cashew nuts are similar. The first harvest is still superior. The Best Time To harvest Cashew Nuts is two months after the fruit has set when the cashew fruits take on pink, red, yellow cast or the nuts turn gray.